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Η Terra Sparta, συμμετέχει στις " Ημέρες Γαστρονομίας και Κινηματογράφου"





Αθήνα, 18 Μαΐου 2015

Δελτίο Τύπου

Η Terra Sparta, συμμετέχει στις “Ημέρες Γαστρονομίας και Κινηματογράφου”, μια τριήμερη συνάντηση, 22/23/24 Μαΐου, γεμάτη από γεύσεις και αρώματα της Πελοποννήσου, που θα λάβει χώρα στο Μουσείο Μπενάκη, Πειραιώς 138.  



Athens, December 11th, 2013


Press Release


In the framework of its campaign through the countries of the European Union, in order to promote its exceptional Greek olive oil from the lands of Sparta, Terra Sparta has organized a two – day exhibition in Vienna, entitled:


Get to know the exceptional Greek Spartan olive oil


The exhibition took place in the famous delicatessen Μerkur Hoher Markt, the flagship store of the Merkur Markt franchise in the historical center of Vienna, on the 22nd and the 23rd of November.

OLOVEOIL goes to Vienna - 22-23/11/2013

In order to promote the finest Greek Olive Oil from Spartan lands in all European countries, TERRA SPARTA Ltd. Organize a two – day event in Vienna, entitled:


 "Get to know the Greek Spartan Olive Oil"

The exhibition will take place in the well – known delicatessen Merkur Hoher Markt, the “flagship” of the Merkur Markt franchise, located in the historic center of Vienna, on the 22nd and the 23rd of November 2013.



OLOVEOIL in BIOFACH 2011 - 22/02/2011

Our participation in Biofach '11 with the organic product
"OLOVEOIL Organic extra virgin olive oil"
proved highly successful.




OLOVEOIL in BIOFACH 2011 - 11/02/2011

Terra Sparta is proud to participate in the foremost European trade expo in
the organic foods sector, Biofach 2011, which will open its doors to participants
and public from the 16th to the 19th of February 2011,
in the Nurenberg expo center in Germany.

You will find us at Hall 4A, Stand 310

We will be glad to meet you.



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